RE & Worship

At St Luke’s we believe faith is a cornerstone to everything we do. 
Our whole school ethos is underpinned by the Christian values and teaching as we are ‘Living and Learning Together in Faith 

We follow the example set by Jesus, exploring how we apply this to our own lives as we strive to ‘treat others as we would like to be treated’ and try to uphold the Biblical teaching of ensuring whatever we do, we work at it with all our heart.  

Children are encouraged to reflect on this in daily worship as children are taught these values and given Biblical examples to follow as well as looking at figures from history and from public life who have displayed these qualities. 

At St. Luke’s, it is imperative that all children are able to develop a sound knowledge not only of Christianity, but also of other world religions, especially the faiths of children in our school. We promote an attitude of tolerance and inquisitiveness regarding other people’s faiths and practices so they can reflect on what it means to have a faith and to develop their own spiritual understanding. We spend time looking at the similar themes and values upheld by religions and how this applies to our lives. We believe it is important that we learn from religions as well as about religions. 

We plan our religious education curriculum in accordance with the Manchester Diocesan agreed syllabus. We ensure that the topics studied in religious education build upon prior learning and offer opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their skills and knowledge in each unit. 


Worship Warriors 

The Worship Warriors are a council of children from Year 2 to Year 6 who want to promote worship throughout the school. They believe their role is to lead by example, promoting our key values and ensuring that everyone is treated equally. They teach the other children about their own religions, beliefs and practices so that all children can feel confident and comfortable in their faith at school. They encourage other children to pray by leading prayers in assembly as well as providing opportunities for everyone to pray throughout the week. They also demonstrate ways that their faith impacts on the way they live their lives, by drawing attention to social and environmental issues that we need to reflect and act upon.  


St Luke's CE Primary School

Albion Street, Chadderton, Oldham OL9 9HT

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